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How to Edit a Menu on Your BurgerShop Store

Menus are crucial elements of your website, allowing visitors to easily find and navigate through different content categories. Properly managing your menus ensures a smooth user experience, helping customers quickly locate what they need. Here is a simple guide to help you edit an existing menu on your BurgerShop store.

Step-by-Step Guideline:

Step 1: Access Navigation Settings

  • Log in to your BurgerShop admin site.
  • Navigate to Store channel > Navigation.
  • Click on the title of the menu you wish to edit.

Step 2: Edit Menu Details

  • Change Menu Name: Update the name by editing the Title field to reflect the new menu name.
  • Add Menu Item:
    • Click on Add menu item to insert a new link or submenu.
    • In the Title field, enter the title for the new menu item. You can use special characters or emojis to make it more engaging.
    • Click on the Link field and select the appropriate link from your website pages or enter a custom URL that users will be directed to when they click on the menu item.
    • After setting the details for the menu item, click Add.

Step 3: Save Changes

  • Review all changes to ensure they are correct.
  • Once satisfied with your updates, click Save to apply the changes to your menu.

By following these steps, you can efficiently edit and customize menus in your BurgerShop store, enhancing navigation and improving the overall user experience.

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