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Hiding or Showing Products

To manage product visibility in your online store, follow these steps to hide or show products as needed.

A. Set Product Visibility

Step 1: Access Product List

  • Log in to your BurgerShop admin.
  • Go to Products and select the product list you want to change the status.

Step 2: Change Product Status

  • Click More Actions
  • Select either Set as active or Set as Draft.


  • Set as draft: Hides the selected product.
  • Set as active: Display the selected product

Step 3: Confirm Changes

  • In the popup, click Confirm to apply the changes.

B. View Draft Products

By default, products are displayed in Active status. To view products set as Draft:

  • On the BurgerShop product page, click Filter.
  • Select Status > Draft.

By following these steps, you can easily manage the visibility of your products, ensuring that only the products you want to be seen are available to your customers.
