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Set Up Sale Prices on Products

When you want to put a product on sale for a lower price or create urgency to encourage purchases, displaying the original price alongside the sale price can be effective. This helps customers see the price comparison and feel the urgency to take advantage of the sale.


Step-by-Step Guideline

Step 1: Access Your Products

  • From your BurgerShop admin site, go to Product > All Products.

Step 2: Create or Edit a Product

  • Click Create Product to add a new product, or click on an existing product to edit its details.

Step 3: Set the Sale Price and Original Price

  • On the product details page, find the Price and Compare-at-price fields for the product variant.
  • Enter the sale price in the Price field.
  • Enter the original price in the Compare-at-price field.

Step 4: Save Changes

  • Ensure you save your changes to apply the sale price.


  • If you are selling a T-shirt for a regular price of $30 and want to put it on sale for $20:
    • Price: $20
    • Compare-at-price: $30


  • If the Price is equal to the Compare-at-price, the Compare-at-price will not be shown.

By following these steps, you can effectively set up sale prices on your products in BurgerShop, helping to attract more customers and increase sales.