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Exporting Reviews

Exporting reviews from your BurgerShop website allows you to maintain records, analyze feedback, or use the data for other purposes. This tutorial will guide you through the process of exporting reviews.

Step-By-Step Guideline:

Step 1: Login to BurgerShop Dashboard

Step 2: Enable Product Review App

  • Navigate to App > Product Reviews.
  • Ensure the Product Review app is enabled.

Step 3: Export Reviews

  • Click on Export reviews

Step 4: Select Review Options

  • When the popup displays, select the review options you want to export (e.g., date range, rating, etc.).

Step 5: Confirm Export

  • Click Export Reviews to confirm and download the reviews.

By following these steps, you can export reviews from your BurgerShop store efficiently, allowing you to keep detailed records and analyze customer feedback as needed.

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