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Connecting TazaPay to Your BurgerShop Store

TazaPay is a popular payment gateway that can be easily integrated into your BurgerShop store. Follow this guide to connect with Tazapay and streamline your payment processing.

A. Get API from Tazapay

Step 1: Log in to Tazapay

Step 2: Verify KYB Details

  • Complete the Know Your Business (KYB) verification process on Tazapay.

Step 3: Retrieve API Keys

  • Navigate to Setting > Integration > API Keys & Developer Docs. 
  • Copy the API key provided.

B. Connect Tazapay to your Store

Step 1: Access Store Preferences

  • Go to your BurgerShop admin > Store Channel > Preferences

Step 2: Enable Tazapay

  • In the Tazapay section, click Status to enable it.

Step 3: Enter API Details

  • Enter the required information.
    • Public Key
    • API Key
    • Secret Key

Step 4: Save Settings

  • Click Save to apply the changes.

In Tazapay, click Status to enable. Then, after selecting Manage, enter the Public key, API key, and Secret key.

By following these steps, you can successfully connect Tazapay to your BurgerShop store, ensuring efficient and secure payment processing for your customers.