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Edit a Menu

The menu is an essential website component, responsible for displaying content categories and aiding in navigation. It helps visitors easily find and categorize topics within the page. This article will show you how to edit a menu on your BurgerShop store.

Step-by-Step Guideline:

Step 1: Access Navigation Settings

  • From your BurgerShop admin, go to Store channel > Navigation and click on the title of the menu you want to edit.

Step 2: Edit Menu Details

  • On the Menu details page, you can make the following changes:
    • Change Menu Name: Edit the name in the Title field.
    • Add Menu Item
      • Click Add menu item.
      • Enter the title in the Name field. This can include special characters or emojis.
      • Click the Link field, then select the appropriate link from the pages on your website or enter the URL you want users to be directed to when they click the submenu name.
      • After setting the information for a menu sub-item, click Add.

Step 3: Save Changes

  • Once you have made all the necessary changes, click Save to update the menu.

By following these steps, you can easily edit and customize menus in your BurgerShop store, enhancing navigation and improving the user experience.