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How to Create a New Page on Your BurgerShop Store

BurgerShop offers you the flexibility to create custom pages beyond the standard ones like the homepage, product page, shopping cart page, checkout page, and collection page. Adding unique pages such as “About Us” or “Contact Us” can enhance your store’s content and improve customer engagement. Follow this step-by-step guide to learn how to create a new page for your online store.

Step-by-Step Guideline:

Step 1: Access Pages Section

  • Log in to your BurgerShop admin site.
  • Navigate to Store channel > Pages.
  • Click on Add page to begin creating a new page.

Step 2: Create a New Page

  • Title (Required): Enter a descriptive title for your new page.
  • Visibility: Choose whether you want the page to be Publicly Visible or Hidden.
  • Content: Enter the page content in the text box provided. This is where you add the main text and information for your new page.
  • SEO Engine: Provide information to optimize your page for search engines, including:
    • Page Title: The title displayed in search engine results.
    • Page Description: A brief description of the page content for search engines.
    • URL Handle: The unique part of the web address for this page.
  • Theme Template: Select the appropriate theme template for your page:
    • Default: Use this template for general pages.
    • Contact Us: Choose this template if the page is for customer contact purposes.

Note: For a “Contact Us” page, make sure to select the Contact Us theme template.

Step 3: Save the Page

  • After entering all the required information, click Save to create and publish the new page.

By following these steps, you can quickly and easily add custom pages to your BurgerShop store, enhancing both the content and functionality of your website.